the forums are a place of love, do not hate. please!..
wanna leave?click!
check my mc hou- OMG BOB NOOOOO. -daniel
bob burgreg with my favorit game. -brain2p
bob kill that other fucing shitty show. -ilovebobburg
gmod bob brnuger. -fm4funny
its crazy that this happeneddin the new episode. -brian3p
ioakm gmquh rihtu oppod wbybp a -oswald
bob yt takeover!!! its real!. -xxthegam
bob kilingl that other fucking shitty show. -mrmr
did anyone think this new episode was kinda wierd? -chickeninja777
yt series i doing. -jim [BANNED USER] [POSTS NOT RELEVANT TO FORUM]
game would be better with more bob. -dacooBers
hiiii!1!! new to the site xD!!!. -gmaverick
HONEST REVIREW OF BOOK: it does not contain the information in the trailer, it just has pure images of bob and gene, it smells rotten and bob hast he face of him, it scarsd me. Since reading ti to the full (it also contains a few words but nothing like what was mentionesd) i have nightmares of bob, so plase, DO NOT BUY THIS ROTTEN BOOK, CLEANSE YOUR MIND OF BOB, LEAVE. -bobfan [BANNED USER] [LYING/MENTIONED SON]
chicken shit administrators come and get me. -jimalt2 [BANNED USER] [POSTS NOT RELEVANT TO FORUM/TRIED TO BYPASS BAN] [LIFE BAN]
. -bob